H. Jung, H. Kim, and S.-H. Byeon*, ” Luminescent carrier, Tb3+-doped layered yttrium hydroxide, for delivery systems “, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 10(49), 43112-43121 (2018).

M. Kim, H. Kim, and S.-H. Byeon*, ” Layered Yttrium Hydroxide l?Y(OH)3 Luminescent Adsorbent for Detection and Recovery of Phosphate from Water over a Wide pH Range “, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 9(46), 40461-40470 (2017).

H. Kim, M. Kim, and S.-H. Byeon*, ” Ce4+/Ce3+ Redox-Controlled Luminescence ‘Off/On’ Switching of Highly Oriented Ce(OH)2Cl and Tb-doped Ce(OH)2Cl Films “, J. Mater. Chem. C, 5, 444-451 (2017).

H. Kim, H. Jeong, and S.-H. Byeon*, ” Selective filter effect induced by Cu2+ adsorption on the fluorescence of a GdVO4:Eu nanoprobe “, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 8(24), 15497-15505 (2016).

H. Jeong, B.-I. Lee, and S.-H. Byeon*, ” Antenna effect on the organic spacer-modified Eu-doped layered gadolinium hydroxide for the detection of vanadate ions over a wide pH range “, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 8(17), 10946-10953 (2016).

H. Kim, B.-I. Lee, H. Jeong, and S.-H. Byeon*, ” Relationship between interlayer anions and photoluminescence of layered rare earth hydroxides “, J. Mater. Chem. C, 3, 7437-7445 (2015).

H. Kim, B.-I. Lee, and S.-H. Byeon*, ” Inner filter effect of Cr(VI) on Tb-doped layered rare earth hydroxychlorides: New fluorescent adsorbents for the simple detection of Cr(VI) “, Chem. Commun., 51(4), 725-728 (2015).

B.-I. Lee, H. Jeong, and S.-H. Byeon*, ” Oxychloride ? hydroxychloride ? trihydroxide phase relationships of rare earths in aqueous solution “, Inorg. Chem., 53(10), 5212-5221 (2014).

B.-I. Lee, H. Jeong, and S.-H. Byeon*, ” Tunable Color Generation of Transparent Composite Films Reinforced with Luminescent Nanofillers “, Chem. Commun., 49(97), 11397-11399 (2013).

K. Lee, B.-I. Lee, and S.-H. Byeon*, ” The selective antenna effect of tungstate anions for Tb-doped layered yttrium hydroxynitrate “, Chem. Commun., 49(64), 7165-7167 (2013).

B.-I. Lee, H. Jeong, J.-s. Bae, and S.-H. Byeon*, ” A layered polymorph of rare earth hydroxides “, Chem. Commun., 49(54), 6051-6053

S.-S. Lee, B.-I Lee, S.-j. Kim, S.-H. Byeon,* and J.-K. Kang, ” Thermal decomposition and recovery behaviors of layered gadolinium hydroxychloride “, Inorg. Chem., 51(19), 10222-10232 (2012).

B.-I. Lee, E.-S. Lee, and S.-H. Byeon*, ” Assembly of layered rare-earth hydroxide nanosheets and SiO2 nanoparticles to fabricate multifunctional transparent films capable of combinatorial color generation “, Adv. Funct. Mater., 22(17), 3562-3569 (2012).

B.-I. Lee and S.-H. Byeon*, ” Highly enhanced photoluminescence of rose-like hierarchical superstructure prepared by self-assembly of rare-earth hydroxocation nanosheets and polyoxomolybdate anions “, Chem. Commun., 47, 4093-4095 (2011).

B.-I. Lee, S.-Y. Lee, and S.-H. Byeon*, ” Grafting of dodecylsulfate groups on gadolinium hydroxocation nanosheets for self-construction of lamellar structure “, J. Mater. Chem., 21(9), 2916-2923 (2011).

J.-H. You, B.-I. Lee, J. Lee, H. Kim, and S.-H. Byeon*, ” Superhydrophilic and antireflective La(OH)3/SiO2-nanorod/nanosphere films “, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 354, 373-379 (2011).

Y.-S. Yoon, S.-H. Byeon*, and I. S. Lee, ” Unexplored thermal transformation behavior of two-dimensionally bound gadolinium hydroxide layers:fabrication of oriented crystalline films of gadolinium oxychloride nanosheets suitable for the multicolor luminescence with color tunability “, Adv. Mater., 22(30), 3272-3276 (2010).

Y.-S. Yoon, B.-I. Lee, K. S. Lee, H. Heo, J. H. Lee, S.-H. Byeon*, and I. S. Lee, ” Fabrication of a silica sphere with fluorescent and MR contrasting GdPO4 nanoparticles from layered gadolinium hydroxide “, Chem. Commun., 46(21), 3654-3656 (2010).

K.-H. Lee, B.-I. Lee, J.-H. You, and S.-H. Byeon*, ” Transparent Gd2O3:Eu phosphor layer derived from exfoliated layered gadolinium hydroxide nanosheets “, Chem. Commun., 46(9), 1461-1463 (2010).

Y.-S. Yoon, B.-I. Lee, K. S. Lee, G. H. Im, S.-H. Byeon*, J. H. Lee, and I. S. Lee, ” Surface modification of exfoliated layered gadolinium hydroxide for the development of multimodal contrast agent for MRI and fluorescence Imaging “, Adv. Funct. Mater. , 19(21), 3375-3380 (2009).

B.-I. Lee, K. S. Lee, J. H. Lee, I. S. Lee, and S.-H. Byeon, ” Synthesis of Colloidal Aqueous Suspension of Layered Gadolinium Hydroxide : a Potential MRI Contrast Agent “, Dalton Transactions, 2490-2495 (2009).